User-defined Growth Rate Model for Grain Coarsening

Reference Folder: $Pandat_Installation_Folder\Pandat 2025 Examples\PanEvolution\Grain_Coarsening\User_Defined_Model\Ni-14Al_Grain_User_Defined_GrowthRate.kdb

This example is to demonstrate how to set up a user-defined growth rate model for grain growth simulation. In this example, the built-in growth model can be replaced by the user-defined variable “Growth_Rate”. In the built-in growth model, the growth rate is given by Eq. 1~Eq. 4, and it can be replaced by the expression value="KP(@Grain)/2.86e-10*2*0.75*7.1e-6/s(@Grain)" where “KP(@Grain)” is to get the effective atomic mobility calculated from mobility database and “s(@Grain)” is to get the average grain size. The grain boundary width is “2.86e-10”, grain boundary energy is “0.75” and molar volume is “7.1e-6”. Below is the kdb defining the grain growth model

<Grain name="Fcc" model="Grain_OneSize" morphology="Sphere" nucleation=""growth="Grain_Simplified">

<VariableTable name="Variables replacing built-in variables">

<Parameter type="Growth_Rate"

value="KP(@Grain)/2.86e-10*2*0.75*7.1e-6/s(@Grain)" description=" Grain growth rate"/>


<ParameterTable type="kinetic" name="Parameters for grain">

<!-- Using Standard Unit --><Parameter type="Interfacial_Energy" value="0.75" description="Interfacial Energy" />

</ParameterTable >

</Grain >